Class of 2025 & 2026
Two classes are offered for the Summer Term, beginning Aug 20, 2024. All Class of 2025 and 2026 students should register for both Greek for Bible Study (2 credits), and Evangelism and Apologetics (1 credit). Additionally, you will need to register per term for both Mentoring and Practicum (broken down by track). This process is new, but is required for all students.
Classes will be offered at both the Chapelgate Campus and the Freedom Church Campus.
Zoom waivers can be requested and must be submitted to the Dean of Students, Steve Dallwig, no later than Oct 17, 2023.
Registration is now done exclusively through your student profile on Populi.
Greek for bible study ($190 per credit)
This course is 2 credit hours and taught at Chapelgate by Rev. Terry Pruitt; and at Freedom by Rev. JB Watkins.
The purpose of this course is not to make a person a Greek scholar. Rather, the intent is to give just enough basics of the Greek language to enable the student of the Bible to use the many word study tools written by the Greek scholars
This course requires access to LOGOS language software
Evangelism and Apologetics ($190 per credit)
This course is 1 credit hour and taught at Chapelgate by Rev. Dr. Dan Passerelli; and at Freedom by Rev. Dr. Louis Wilson.
Every Christian needs to be ready at all times to give a defense for the hope that is in us. This course is meant to help every student to be equipped and trained to witness to anyone without reservation.
Class of 2027
Two classes are offered for the Summer Term beginning August 20, 2024. All Class of 2027 students should register for both Old Testament Survey (2 credits) and Doctrine of Scripture (1 credit). Additionally, you will need to register per term for both Mentoring and Practicum (broken down by track). This process is new, but is required for all students.
First year classes will only be offered at the Chapelgate campus.
Registration is done exclusively through your student profile on Populi.
Old Testament Survey ($190 per credit)
This course is 2 credit hours and taught at Chapelgate by Rev. Todd Hare.
This is a study of the OT dealing with its content, message, form and background. The survey will introduce the student to the biblical - theological approach to Scripture, showing how the books of the OT point us to God’s Covenant of Grace in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Doctrine of Scripture ($190 per credit)
This course is 1 credit hour and taught at Chapelgate by Dr. Brian Sandifer.
Major topics to be covered are: the divisions of Scripture, its revelation, inspiration and illumination; understanding Jesus’ view of the Bible as well as its view of itself, canonicity, alleged “errors” in the Bible; and modern translations. The infallibility and inerrancy of all Scripture will be greatly emphasized. The seminary endeavors to teach something regarding all the major positions with respect to the Bible. The seminary’s position is summed up by the description “biblical inerrancy”. Our objective is to teach from the viewpoint of orthodox Protestantism concerning the Word of God, demonstrating its divine origin, internal harmony and its controlling role in the faith, life and vocation of Christians
Interested in Auditing a class at MBS?
Auditors may attend class in person or on Zoom, but need to remain quiet unless invited to participate in class discussion by the instructor. The audit fee is $80 per credit. Please indicate in the notes section whether you wish to attend virtually or in person.