Emerging Leaders Fund

The purpose of the Emerging Leaders Fund is to ensure the long-term sustainability of Metro Baltimore Seminary’s unique model of accessible, affordable, and transformational seminary training. The fund exists to provide consistent, reliable income with modest growth of principle that keeps pace with inflation, allowing the seminary to continue to subsidize tuition.

How it works: Students at MBS pay a subsidized tuition rate that covers half the cost of operating the seminary. Annual gifts make up the difference. The Emerging Leaders Fund reduces the seminary’s dependence on annual gifts – every $50,000 given to the Emerging Leaders Fund subsidizes one student every year.

Stock gifts can be made through the seminary’s Schwab brokerage account by contacting Jen Hartranft: jhartranft@chapelgate.org

Checks can be mailed to Metro Baltimore Seminary, 2600 Olive Branch Way, Marriottsville, MD 21104 with “Emerging Leaders Fund” in the memo.